Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his delight on Twitter after the Lok Sabha passed the women’s reservation bill, thanking all the MPs who supported the legislation. The bill, known as the ‘Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam,’ aims to provide a 33 percent quota for women in Lok Sabha and state assemblies, promoting women’s empowerment and participation in the political process.
The Prime Minister hailed the passage of the bill as a historic moment in Indian democracy. He wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, “Delighted at the passage of The Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty-Eighth Amendment) Bill, 2023 in the Lok Sabha with such phenomenal support. I thank MPs across Party lines who voted in support of this Bill. The Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam is a historic legislation which will further boost women empowerment and will enable even greater participation of women in our political process.”
Union Home Minister Amit Shah, who earlier addressed the Lok Sabha on the women’s quota, also celebrated the bill’s passage. He remarked that it signifies a “historic leap” for the nation. Shah added, “The bill envisaged by PM @narendramodiJi will not only script a new chapter in the history of women’s empowerment but also foster equitable and gender-inclusive development in our nation. It yet again reiterates the Modi government’s commitment to women-led governance.”
Moreover, Shah highlighted that the legislation “strengthens parliamentary democracy by making laws and policies more gender-inclusive and effective.”
Leaders from various political parties lauded the passage of the women’s reservation bill. Union Minister for Women and Child Development Smriti Irani expressed her privilege in being part of this historic moment, stating, “What a better way to begin Parliamentary innings for any parliamentarian than with the passage of a bill that crores of women were waiting for…It is yet to pass in the Rajya Sabha, yes, but as a Lok Sabha member, I am extremely privileged to have not only viewed history but also participated in it.”
While the opposition parties have supported the women’s reservation bill, they have been questioning the government over the timing of the implementation of the legislation. Congress leader Shashi Tharoor expressed his concerns, describing the bill as a ‘jhumla’ due to unresolved issues related to delimitation and census. He emphasized that these issues make it unclear when the bill will actually be implemented.
Samajwadi Party (SP) MP Dimple Yadav also raised concerns about the timing, suggesting that the government brought the bill with an eye on the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. She labeled it as a political move, given the limited time available before the elections.
The women’s reservation bill is a significant step towards promoting gender equality and women’s participation in India’s political landscape. While it has passed in the Lok Sabha, it awaits consideration in the Rajya Sabha, where further discussions and debates are expected.
Sources By Agencies