In a devastating incident, a fire outbreak followed by a blast in a food processing unit in Delhi’s Narela Industrial Area has resulted in the deaths of three workers and left six others injured. The incident occurred in the early hours of Saturday, prompting a swift response from emergency services.
According to the Delhi Police, they received a distress call at 3:35 am reporting a fire at Shayam Kripa Foods Private Ltd, a unit specializing in processing dry moong dal. The fire quickly spread, engulfing the factory and trapping several workers inside.
The Delhi Fire Service (DFS) deployed fourteen fire tenders to combat the blaze. As of 8:30 am, the dousing operation was still ongoing. Nine individuals were successfully rescued from the building and rushed to SHRC Hospital in Narela for treatment.
Tragically, three of the rescued workers—identified as Shyam (24), Ram Singh (30), and Beerpal (42)—succumbed to their injuries and were declared dead at the hospital. The remaining injured workers are currently receiving medical care.
Preliminary investigations by authorities indicate that the fire originated from a gas leak in one of the pipelines supplying gas to burners used for roasting moong dal. The subsequent spread of the fire caused the compressor to overheat, leading to a blast within the facility.
A police officer stated that a case is being registered under appropriate sections, and a thorough investigation into the incident is underway to determine the exact cause and ensure accountability.
This tragic event serves as a somber reminder of the hazards faced by workers in industrial settings and underscores the importance of stringent safety measures to prevent such accidents in the future. The thoughts and condolences of many are with the families and loved ones of the deceased workers during this difficult time.
Sources By Agencies