Allegations of harsh working conditions and demanding productivity targets have put Amazon India under scrutiny, particularly at warehouses in Haryana’s Manesar industrial hub. According to reports, workers at some Amazon warehouses in India are being asked to pledge not to take breaks, including for water or toilet visits, until they achieve specific targets.
A 24-year-old worker shared with The Indian Express the challenging conditions faced by employees in Amazon’s warehouses. The targets often involve physically demanding tasks like unloading packages from trucks, made even more difficult by scorching temperatures reaching up to 50°C during the ongoing heatwave.
The worker revealed the pressure to perform without adequate rest breaks, highlighting the impracticality of the imposed targets. Female workers, in particular, face additional challenges due to inadequate facilities and the strenuous nature of the job. Some departments reportedly lack designated restroom facilities, forcing employees to use makeshift solutions.
Responding to these allegations, an Amazon India spokesperson emphasized the company’s commitment to employee safety and well-being. They mentioned the presence of heat index monitoring devices, cooling measures, and provisions for water, hydration breaks, and rest opportunities.
However, these issues are not unique to India. Amazon has faced similar allegations internationally, including safety violations and ergonomic hazards in US warehouses. Earlier this year, a warehouse worker in the US was fired after posting a video about heavy lifting requirements on TikTok. Additionally, three female marketing managers in Seattle have filed a class-action lawsuit accusing Amazon of sex discrimination and retaliatory actions.
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