In a recent controversy, RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav faced criticism from BJP supporters after sharing a video of himself eating fish in a helicopter during Navratri, a period when many Hindus observe a strict vegetarian diet. The video, posted on social media, sparked a debate about religious sensitivities and political messaging.
Navratri, a 10-day festival celebrated by Hindus, began recently with devotees adhering to vegetarianism as part of their religious observance. Several internet users accused Yadav of disrespecting religious sentiments by consuming non-vegetarian food during this period, leading to a backlash against the former deputy chief minister of Bihar.
Yadav defended his actions by pointing out that the video was recorded on April 8, a day before Navratri commenced. He argued that the timing of the video was intended to test the reactions of BJP supporters and media outlets, highlighting what he perceived as blind followership.
“We uploaded this video to gauge the IQ of BJP and Godi media followers, and our suspicions were confirmed. The tweet clearly mentions the date, but what do the misguided followers understand? Additionally, Sahni ji mentioned the inclusion of chili at the end,” remarked Yadav in response to the criticism.
The video in question showed Yadav and former minister Mukesh Sahni sharing a meal in a helicopter amid hectic election campaigning. Yadav explained the context, stating that they had only a brief window of 10-15 minutes to eat during their campaign activities. The meal included fish and roti, sparking a wider debate about dietary choices during religious festivals.
The controversy escalated when BJP MP Giriraj Singh joined the fray, labeling Yadav as a “seasonal Sanatani” who engages in appeasement politics. Singh criticized Yadav’s family history, referencing past immigration issues during Lalu Yadav’s tenure and accusing the RJD of using religious gestures for political gain.
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