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    “Delhi Traffic Cop Suspended for Unreceipted ₹5,000 Fine Imposed on South Korean Motorist”

    Delhi Traffic Cop Suspended for Collecting Unreceipted Fine of ₹5,000 from Korean Motorist

    In a concerning incident that came to light through a widely circulated video, a Delhi Traffic Police constable was suspended for imposing an unreceipted fine of ₹5,000 on a South Korean man. The constable in question, identified as Mahesh Chand, allegedly collected the hefty sum without issuing a receipt, raising questions about transparency and accountability.

    The incident, captured on the dashboard camera of the motorist’s car, depicted the constable taking ₹5,000 in cash from the South Korean driver without providing any form of documentation for the transaction. The video quickly went viral on various social media platforms, drawing widespread attention and public outcry.

    Responding promptly to the growing public concern, the Delhi Traffic Police took swift action and suspended Constable Mahesh Chand. Additionally, an inquiry was initiated into the matter to ascertain the circumstances surrounding the incident and the alleged breach of protocols. The move underscores the Delhi Police’s commitment to upholding integrity and combatting corruption within its ranks.

    In an official statement, the Delhi Traffic Police stated, “Taking cognizance of the social media post, the concerned officer seen in the video has been placed under suspension pending inquiry. Delhi Police has a zero tolerance policy towards corruption.”

    The incident has reignited discussions about accountability and transparency in law enforcement and underscores the importance of adhering to proper procedures when imposing fines or penalties. Receipts serve as crucial evidence of any monetary transaction, ensuring transparency and accountability in such matters.

    Authorities have also urged the public to report any similar instances of potential misconduct or irregularities, encouraging citizens to play an active role in maintaining the integrity of law enforcement.

    As the inquiry progresses, the incident serves as a reminder that adherence to ethical practices is essential in maintaining public trust in law enforcement agencies. The Delhi Traffic Police’s swift response reflects their commitment to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and integrity, ensuring that incidents of this nature are thoroughly investigated and appropriately addressed.

    The incident is a clear demonstration of how citizen vigilance and the power of social media can bring accountability and corrective action in matters of public concern. As the inquiry unfolds, the public will be keenly observing the outcome, expecting a fair and just resolution in this case of alleged impropriety.

    Sources By Agencies


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