Tragedy struck during the Makar Sankranti celebrations at the Triveni Sangam in Prayagraj on Tuesday morning, as former Solapur mayor and leader from the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), Mahesh Kothe, collapsed after suffering a heart attack while taking part in the holy dip. He was 60 years old.
The incident occurred around 7:30 AM at the Triveni Sangam, the sacred confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati River. Kothe had arrived to participate in the auspicious “shahi snan” (royal bath) on Makar Sankranti, a significant occasion for millions of devotees.
According to his aide, Kothe experienced the heart attack while immersed in the river waters. He was quickly rushed to a nearby medical facility, but doctors declared him brought dead.
Kothe, a prominent figure in Solapur’s political landscape, had contested the Solapur (North) assembly elections in November 2024 but was unsuccessful, facing off against BJP’s Vijay Deshmukh. His death has left the city and the local political community in shock.
Survived by his wife and son, Kothe’s body will be returned to Solapur for the last rites, which are scheduled for Wednesday.
As news of his untimely passing spread, condolences poured in from across the political spectrum. NCP (SP) chief Sharad Pawar expressed deep sorrow over the loss. On social media, Pawar wrote, “The youngest former mayor of Solapur and my old colleague, Mahesh Kothe, passed away tragically in Prayagraj. Mahesh Kothe held a significant influence on the social and political landscape of Solapur city. In his demise, Solapur has lost a dynamic and dedicated worker. We all stand in solidarity with the Kothe family in grief. Heartfelt condolences!”
The tragedy comes amid intense cold weather conditions in Prayagraj, where lakhs of devotees gathered at the Triveni Sangam for the first ‘Amrit Snan’ of the Maha Kumbh, marking Makar Sankranti. Reports indicate that over 1.38 crore pilgrims took part in the ritual by 8:30 AM.
Mahesh Kothe’s death has deeply affected his supporters, friends, and family, as his dedication to both politics and the community left a lasting impact on Solapur and beyond.
Sources By Agencies