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    “Supreme Court Approves Nomination of Five Lawyers as Judges for Punjab and Haryana High Court”

    Punjab and Haryana High Court Advocates Recommended for Elevation as Judges

    The legal landscape in Punjab and Haryana is poised for a significant transformation as the Supreme Court collegium has recommended the elevation of a group of accomplished advocates as judges of the Punjab and Haryana High Court. This decision comes after a meticulous assessment of their suitability and a thorough review of relevant materials, according to the proceedings of the Supreme Court collegium.

    On April 21, 2023, the Punjab and Haryana High Court collegium made these initial recommendations, which have now been bolstered by the unanimous concurrence of the respective Chief Ministers and Governors of both states. The move is seen as a substantial step towards enhancing the judicial bench and expediting the justice delivery system in the region.

    The proceedings of the Supreme Court collegium, comprising justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul and justice Sanjiv Khanna, shed light on the rigorous process that led to the elevation recommendations. The statement noted that “In order to ascertain the suitability of the above advocates for elevation to the high court, we have consulted our colleagues conversant with the affairs of the high court of Punjab and Haryana. For the purpose of assessing the merit and suitability of the candidates for elevation to the high court, we have scrutinized and evaluated the material placed on record. We have also perused the two observations made by the department of justice in the file and the complaints received against the candidates.”

    This thorough and transparent assessment process underscores the importance of selecting judges who meet the highest standards of integrity, experience, and legal acumen. The elevation of advocates to the bench is a significant event, as it has the potential to influence the trajectory of the justice system in the two states for years to come.

    The move has been met with anticipation and optimism within the legal community, as it not only brings fresh talent to the judiciary but also promotes diversity and inclusivity. Furthermore, it highlights the commitment of the judiciary and the government to ensure that justice is delivered efficiently and fairly to the people of Punjab and Haryana.

    The next steps in this process will involve the formal appointments of these advocates as judges of the Punjab and Haryana High Court, and their subsequent contribution to the dispensation of justice in the region. This elevation represents a significant milestone in the legal landscape of the two states, and it is anticipated that it will lead to enhanced judicial effectiveness and a strengthened rule of law.

    Sources By Agencies


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