    HomeNews"Afghanistan Embassy in India Suspends Operations Citing Lack of Support and Resources"

    “Afghanistan Embassy in India Suspends Operations Citing Lack of Support and Resources”

    Afghanistan Embassy in India Suspends Operations Citing Lack of Support and Resources

    In a significant development, the Afghanistan embassy in India has announced the suspension of its operations, citing a range of issues that have hindered its ability to function effectively. This decision comes amid a power struggle within the embassy and ongoing instability in Afghanistan.

    The embassy’s statement, issued on October 2, 2023, expressed several key reasons for this decision:

    1. Lack of Support From India: The Afghanistan embassy alleged an absence of crucial support from the Indian government, which it claims has impeded its ability to carry out its duties effectively. The statement reads, “The Embassy has experienced a notable absence of crucial support from the host government, which has hindered our ability to carry out our duties effectively.” The Indian government has not yet responded to these allegations.

    2. Failure to Serve Afghanistan’s Interests: The embassy acknowledged that it had fallen short in serving the best interests of Afghanistan and its citizens. This admission underscores the challenges faced by the embassy in a complex and evolving geopolitical landscape. The statement states, “We acknowledge our shortcomings in meeting the expectations and requirements necessary to serve the best interests of Afghanistan and its citizens due to the lack of diplomatic support in India and the absence of a legitimate functioning government in Kabul.”

    3. Staff Shortage: The Afghan embassy cited a significant reduction in personnel and resources due to unforeseen circumstances, making it increasingly challenging for them to continue their operations effectively. The statement highlights, “The lack of timely and sufficient support, from visa renewal for diplomats to other critical areas of cooperation, led to an understandable frustration among our team and impeded our ability to carry out routine duties effectively.”

    This decision comes in the wake of a power struggle within the embassy earlier this year. Reports had emerged of the Taliban appointing a charge d’affaires to head the mission, leading to conflicting claims within the embassy’s staff. However, the embassy’s closure statement categorically refuted any claims of internal strife among its staff and denied that any diplomats were using the crisis to seek asylum in a third country.

    India, while not recognizing the Taliban government, had previously allowed the Afghan embassy to continue its operations under the ambassador and mission staff appointed by former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, who fled Kabul in 2021. The Indian government has been advocating for the formation of a truly inclusive government in Kabul and has consistently stressed that Afghan soil must not be used for terrorist activities against any country.

    The closure of the Afghanistan embassy in India marks a significant development in the ongoing diplomatic challenges and uncertainties faced by Afghanistan’s representation in various countries. As the situation continues to evolve, the international community will be closely monitoring the implications of this decision and its impact on Afghanistan’s diplomatic relations.

    Sources By Agencies


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