    HomeNews"Road Ministry Report Reveals 1.68 Lakh Lives Lost in 4.61 Lakh Accidents...

    “Road Ministry Report Reveals 1.68 Lakh Lives Lost in 4.61 Lakh Accidents in 2022”

    Road Ministry Report Reveals 1.68 Lakh Lives Lost in 4.61 Lakh Accidents in 2022

    A sobering report released by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) has shed light on the grim state of road safety in India in 2022. The report titled ‘Road accidents in India — 2022’ highlights an alarming increase in the number of accidents and fatalities on the nation’s roads.

    Alarming Statistics

    According to the report, a total of 4,61,312 road accidents occurred in 2022, resulting in a staggering 1,68,491 lives lost. Additionally, 4,43,366 people were injured in these accidents. These figures represent an 11.9% year-on-year rise in accidents and a 9.4% increase in fatalities. The report also points to a 15.3% surge in the number of individuals injured in road accidents during the same period.

    National Highways a Cause for Concern

    National highways (NH) and state highways (SH) continue to be hotspots for accidents. In 2022, 32.9% of the recorded accidents took place on national highways, including expressways, while 23.1% occurred on state highways. The remaining 43.9% of accidents transpired on other roads.

    The report provides a detailed breakdown of fatalities, with 36.2% of the 1,68,491 lives lost on national highways, 24.3% on state highways, and 39.4% on other roads. These statistics underscore the urgency of improving road safety measures on national and state highways.

    Data Sources and Global Standards

    The annual report is compiled based on data and information received from the police departments of states and union territories. It follows a calendar year basis and adheres to standardized formats provided by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) as part of the Asia Pacific Road Accident Data (APRAD) project.

    These statistics emphasize the pressing need for comprehensive road safety initiatives and greater public awareness to curb the rising number of road accidents and fatalities in India. Road safety remains a critical concern, and efforts to reduce these alarming figures are imperative for the well-being of all road users.

    Sources By Agencies


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