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    “Surge in Train Activity Between North Korea and Russia Following Kim-Putin meet “

    Surge in Train Traffic Between North Korea and Russia Sparks Concerns of Arms Transfer

    A recent summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Russian President Vladimir Putin has led to a significant spike in train traffic between the two nations, raising concerns of a possible arms transfer, according to a report by Washington-based analysts Beyond Parallel.

    High-resolution satellite imagery obtained by the group shows an astonishing increase in the number of freight cars at North Korea’s Tumangang Rail Facility located at the border. Beyond Parallel noted that this sudden surge, with at least 70 freight cars observed, is “unprecedented” when compared to pre-Covid levels. Over the previous five years, no more than 20 cars had been seen in the railyard.

    While the report suggests that the flurry of activity “likely indicates North Korea’s supply of arms and munitions to Russia,” it also highlights that the presence of tarps covering the shipping containers makes it impossible to “conclusively identify” their contents.

    This analysis comes on the heels of a statement by an unnamed US official, reported by CBS News, claiming that North Korea had initiated the transfer of artillery to Russia for potential use in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The face-to-face meeting between Putin and Kim last month had already raised concerns among Kyiv’s allies about the prospect of an arms deal.

    North Korea has a history of mass-producing conventional weaponry, and it is known to possess significant stocks of Soviet-era war material, though their condition remains unknown. On the other hand, Russia, which is firing about 60,000 rounds per day in the Ukraine conflict, has increased its shell production to an estimated 2.5 million this year. Some analysts suggest this may still fall short of its battlefield requirements.

    During Kim’s visit to Russia, no formal agreements were publicly announced, but Putin indicated that he saw “possibilities” for military cooperation between the two nations. Both Russia and North Korea are currently under global sanctions, with Moscow facing sanctions for its invasion of Ukraine, and Pyongyang for its nuclear weapons testing.

    The White House has responded to these developments by asserting that any arms exports from North Korea to Russia would “directly violate multiple UN Security Council resolutions, including resolutions that Russia itself voted to adopt.” As concerns mount about the potential impact on the Ukraine conflict, international attention remains focused on monitoring the situation at the North Korea-Russia border.

    Sources By Agencies


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